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BURNOUT! Hard to believe there may come a time, that you feel uninspired, unfulfilled and exhausted teaching what you now love. . .
Guru, guide, mother, other.
This began as an article about the essence of tutors aims for the first day of Teacher Training, and has transmogrified into an ethical...
Fascinating Fascia
Research in the world of fascia continues and we are becoming increasingly aware of its importance in terms of movement. – “all the collagen
Simple Sequencing – Mixed ability classes
So, you have been asked to teach an OPEN LEVEL class. You have no idea what you will be faced with. Of course at the start of the class...
Classical versus Contemporary Pilates
Some people are concerned however as they feel that Pilates has deviated from its original state and they criticise contemporary forms of Pi
Practice gentle stability for gentle hip release
Here is a very simple exercise to practice stabilising your torso to elicit greater freedom on the hips. When we learn to stabilise the...
Core and Spine – gentle control is the key
If you are already a Yoga teacher, you may notice that some of your students are great at all of the asana that require flexibility, (it...
Is sitting the new smoking?
A broken collarbone was one of the best things ever to happened to me. Am I odd? When I was a kid having a plaster-of-paris cast ,on a...
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