There are 4 significant factors to consider when teaching (not exclusively) the Older Adult. . 1. Foot desensitization. 2. Lower limb firing sequence dysfunction. 3. Fear of falling. 4. Bone density issues. . With age, the sole of the foot becomes less aware. The tissue dehydrates and sensation dulls. With this we become unsure on our feet. This can result in, or be accompanied by the tibialis and gastrocenimius miss- firing with both contracting at the same time, leading to a more shuffled walk. This is a associated with "fear of falling" especially if there has already been a fall, and more especially if the fall was accompanied by a fracture. . . What can we do for our students? . Rehydrate and resensitize the foot with myofascial rolling.. . Practice, relive- plie in moving. And sit to stand regularly. . Teach proprioception, by standing movements in 3D. Repeated and challenged. Include balance. . Make movement fun and pain free to elicit movement courage. . . Join me for Bone health and Balance strategies. Plus yoga for better Sleep. Sat March 28th . Followed by a day of working with non- specific back pain, one to one for the injured student. PlUS Yoga for hypermobility, on Sunday , March . @the-elbowroom March 28th and 29th. One day (€110) or two day (€220) workshop attendance permitted. . Please contact directly. . . #loveyoga #ageless #movementlove #freedom #myofascialmovement #myofascialhydration #fascia #barre #feetfirst #balletbarre #balancestrategies #courage